While visiting the Tillamook Air Museum in Oregon, there were flights available in a 1929 Travel Air biplane.
Flight cost $180 US for approx 20 minutes.
Myself and mate Trevor went on the flight.
Aircraft is a 1929 Travel Air N13907. First open cockpit aircraft for me as I was always worried about ending up like Humpty Dumpty. Also first US registered aircraft and on US soil too.

Getting into the cockpit was not as hard as I thought, but once Trevor squeezed in, it was a bit squeezy. He was sat in the best position for photos, so I will be using his photos for this report.
Headphones were a must as it was quite noisy once the engine was started and quite a bit of vibration too.

Takeoff was nice and steady and very little turbulence, the occasional bump here and there.

While it was warm and humid on the ground, cruising at about 1500-2000 feet was quite pleasant.
The flight took us over the town of Tillamook, the coast and over the local cheese factory before over flying the museum and landing.

Landing was quite unusual in that we side slipped onto a grass airstrip. Followed by a short taxi back to out the front of the museum.